Workplace experience

7 Tips to Improve Your Workplace Experience

For your workplace to be a choice, not a duty, follow this advice that will help you improve your workplace experience. These tips work!
Reem Abouemera
Copy Writer / Content writer

Did you know that 65% of the U.S. workforce is disengaged at work? Yes, it's a sad fact, and we all know what that means. Disengaged employees are less productive, less creative, and more likely to leave the company.

You don't have to be part of that statistic, though. Organizations that know the importance of creating a culture of engagement in the workplace reap its benefits, becoming high-engagement organizations with 70% or more engaged employees. You can be part of that group, too, if you focus on improving your workplace experience – because it matters.

In this guide, we'll put you on the path to becoming a high-engagement organization. With these simple steps, you'll be well on your way to becoming a top employer that people are excited to work for! 

1. Invest in Employee Wellness

More than 80% of employees whose employers invest in their wellness say they enjoy work, and 85% say they intend to stay with their employer. That definitely says something about the importance of wellness in the workplace, and it's a good start to improving your employee experience.

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There are many different ways to invest in employee wellness – here are just a few:

  • Offer a stipend for gym memberships or fitness classes
  • Provide lunchtime yoga classes or meditation sessions
  • Create standing or walking meetings to get people out of their chairs and moving around
  • Design dedicated areas in the office where employees can get some fresh air and relax
  • Offer access to mental health services for employees who need support with stress or other issues
  • Encourage time off and family leave benefits to help employees balance their work and personal lives

If you adopt a holistic approach to wellness and make it a priority in your organization, the results will speak for themselves. Employees will be happier, more productive, and more motivated to stay with your company for the long haul.

2. Offer Career Development Programs

According to McKinsey, lack of career development is the main reason why employees are leaving their jobs. And this shouldn't come as a surprise – people want to progress and learn new skills, and your organization should be funneling those opportunities to them.

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One great way to offer career development programs is by building a mentorship program within your workplace. This can be an informal or formal arrangement, but either way, it's important to have skilled employees act as mentors for less experienced workers. This helps with employee engagement and widens your talent pool since you'll be investing in both new and current employees simultaneously.

Along with that, development plans for each employee are a must. Managers should meet with their employees at least once a year to discuss career goals and assess the skills that need to be developed for each individual. This kind of open communication will help your employees feel valued and motivated, ultimately improving their experience in your workplace.

3. Improve Internal Communications

Many organizations only focus on improving their external communications, which can be detrimental to the overall employee experience. After all, your employees are an important part of your organization too, so it's crucial that you're also investing in effective internal communication strategies.

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Set up a platform where all important information is shared – from new office policies and procedures and announcements about upcoming events to day-to-day updates, such as promotions, employee recognition news, birthday and work anniversary announcements, and more. This will help keep everyone in the loop at all times, and it allows people to see the human side of your organization and motivates them to be their best selves as well.

And to take it a step further, schedule regular team meetings or staff gatherings. These are great opportunities to interact face-to-face, and they can help build camaraderie and teamwork among employees. When your employees feel connected to the organization and their co-workers, they'll be more engaged in their work and happier overall.

4. Allow Job Flexibility

In the same McKinsey report, ~30% of employees said they'd likely leave their company if they had to start working fully on-site. While this may seem drastic, it underscores the need for employers to offer more flexible work options to their employees.

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This doesn't necessarily have to be full remote work – there are plenty of ways to offer flexibility without giving up the day-to-day structure of your office. For example, employees can work from home a few days per week (hybrid work) or shift their schedule around to accommodate family obligations or other responsibilities outside of work.

Offering job flexibility will not only help you better retain your best employees, but it'll also improve their overall experience at your organization. When people have more autonomy and control over their workday, they're motivated to be productive and efficient, which can lead to a better work-life balance as well.

5. Create a Culture of Recognition

A culture of recognition isn't simply a 'good job' or a pat on the back when someone does something good – it's about creating a workplace where people feel valued and appreciated for their contributions at large.

Ideally, this means having a formal recognition program in place. This could be anything from rewarding employees for their great work at quarterly meetings or annual awards banquets to giving people small gifts, such as a gift card or simple prize. 

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Informally, you can also contribute to a culture of recognition by expressing appreciation for your employees' efforts through:

  • Featuring them on your company blog
  • Spotlighting them on social media
  • Having an "employee of the month" award or similar prize
  • Thanking them for going above and beyond in a meeting or email

These little gestures will go a long way toward making your employees feel valued and appreciated, ultimately improving your workplace experience.

Whatever you choose, the important thing is that it's meaningful and consistent – your employees should be able to rely on getting recognition for their work and know that it's not based on favoritism or personal relationships.

6. Capture Continuous Feedback

Effective communication isn't just about what you're saying – it's also about how you're listening and responding to your employees' feedback. One of the best ways to do this is by capturing continuous feedback or gathering regular input from your team members on various topics, such as job satisfaction, workplace policies and procedures, leadership decisions, and more.

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Regularly gathering feedback from your team can help you stay aware of where things are going well and where there may be room for improvement in your workplace. It also helps keep everyone engaged, as they have a voice that's being heard and can contribute to the organization's overall direction.

But what's more important than capturing continuous feedback is acting on it. This doesn't mean that you have to make all of your employees' wishes come true – but you should consider their perspectives and concerns when making important decisions.

It's also best to let your employees know when an idea will or won't be implemented. This is just good management – keeping employees in the loop and demonstrating that you're listening to them will help foster trust and loyalty, all of which are key ingredients for a great workplace experience.

7. Get Creative With Workspace Design

Finally, don't undervalue the importance of a great workspace design and a thorough office planning process. At its core, your office environment is a reflection of your brand – so it should be clean, modern, and reflect what your company stands for.

More importantly, though, good workspace design can help improve employee productivity and happiness in a variety of ways.

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For one thing, employees are more productive when they're comfortable, so consider investing in ergonomic furniture that's designed to reduce stress on the body and improve posture. Similarly, having good airflow and sufficient natural light can help improve productivity as well.

And when it comes to fostering creativity and collaboration, consider investing in lounge areas or other spaces where employees can connect with each other and "think outside the box". This might mean providing plenty of whiteboards for brainstorming sessions, casual seating for informal meetings, or even just an inviting kitchen area where employees can take a break and enjoy conversation with their co-workers.

The Bottom Line

The key to creating a great workplace experience is finding ways to continuously improve it, both for you and your employees. If you always intentionally focus on the things that matter most to employees, there's no limit to how much you can improve your workplace – and the overall quality of your employee experience.

All it takes is a little creativity and commitment, and you'll be well on your way to building the fulfilling workplace experience that everyone wants! Give these tips a try and see what a difference they can make in your organization.


Reem Abouemera

As a content writer who has tried it all when it comes to working models– from the traditional 9-5 in an office to fully working remotely and everything in between. Reem now puts her experience with the various working style into words at Tribeloo, ultimately helping others make more informed decisions about their own work lives.

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